Introduction of large/medium banquet halls

Introduction of large/medium banquet halls

With the best services and facilities in all of Changwon, Hotel International hosts various small and medium-sized events such as reunions, seminars, birthday parties, and regular general meetings.


Nouvelle Hall can accommodate 200 people for reception and 100 people for banquets at the same time, and it is equipped with the latest sound and lighting facilities, beam projectors, and screen facilities. Various large-scale events such as seminars, workshops, wedding receptions, first birthday parties, seventh and eighth birthdays, and second and inauguration ceremonies can be held.
Nouvelle Hall
홀이름 규모 Capacity (persons)
py 넓이(㎡) size(m) Theater/Seminar Style Banquet Seminar Style
Nouvelle Hall 138 457 31*12*4 350 150~200 200
Robby 80 264 Screen Size 좌우측 2.5m*1.85m
중앙 3.5m*2.8m

Banquet Info

연회장 위치

New Building 2F


Nouvelle Hall : 138평(457m² / 31m*12m*4m)
Robby : 80평(264m²)


Banquet/Seminar : 200 people, Theater Style/Reception : 350 people

Booking and Contacting

TEL : +82-55-264-0044
Banquet Reservation

Nouvelle Hall 도면


  • 5000안시 프로젝터
  • 자동스크린
  • 전자지시봉
  • 엠프, 스피커
  • 마이크
  • 피아노
  • 각종조명
  • 콘트롤 믹서
  • CD플레이어

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